Endorsed by the UK College of Podiatrists, Insolia Flex makes walking in flats more comfortable by insuring your foot is correctly placed within your shoes - improving the natural rotational movement of the ball of the foot. Team these lace-up shoes with a pretty dress for the perfect balance between masculine and feminine. These shoes are made from long-lasting, high quality leather.,Our Stain Resistant technology acts as a barrier to stop stains from forming and also helps to remove stains during laundering. The finish protects against both oil and water based stains, preventing these stains from sinking into the fabric.,Item details: Heel Height for Ladies Size 4 Shoe:27mm,Style: Product Shape:Brogue, Fit:Regular fit, Fastening:Lace up, Comes in sizes 3-8, including half sizes, Insolia Flex®,;Care and composition: Composition: Upper: LeathernLining and Sock: Other materialsnOutsole: Other materials