This chic infuser from Alessi is ideal for all types of tea and herbal teas, it is easy to use thanks to the user-friendly opening. It closes securely to avoid tea leaves seeping out during brewing and it is practical and easy to handle. The chain allows you to retrieve the tea infuser once your tea has brewed, whilst the stop at the end allows you to close the chain and hang the infuser up in the kitchen. The pattern of the holes, which are required to infuse the tea leaves into the water, decorate the surface of the tea infuser in a dynamic and elegant design. Designed by young Dutch designer Titus Wybenga, this classic tea infuser resembles a pocket watch with a novel function, to stop the time and have a tea break. Practical and easy to manage, this infuser can be conveniently carried in your pocket to make time for a quiet cuppa wherever you go. T-Timepiece is the result of the Life in transition workshop organised in partnership with the Dutch university, TU Delft, to analyse how everyday objects affect & symbolise daily life.