Compact yet powerful, the National Geographic 114/500 Compact Telescope is ideal for any hobbyist and amateur astronomer. Greater Detail With a 114 mm aperture, the 114/500 collects three times more light than a 76 mm telescope, which allows you see objects in far more detail. By making difficult-to-see objects more visible, you can get more out of your stargazing. The red LED viewfinder also makes it easier to locate objects. Compact and Transportable The 114/500 is quick and easy to set up and compact enough to transport to your favourite night-time observation spot. The built-in accessory tray keeps eyepieces handy so you don't miss out on anything. With accessories including a Barlow lens, compass, moon filter and astronomy software, you'll have everything you need to become a zealous astronomer. Get started in the world of astronomy with the National Geographic 114/500 Compact Telescope.