Created to balance and soothe skin on the receiving end of a high-stress lifestyle. Saving face is a carefully curated collection of 5 Skyn ICELAND treatments that help recover and renew skin delivering a clear, luminous complexion for every important life event.,About the brand- Skyn ICELAND was born from a life-changing mission to treat and alleviate the effects of stress on skin while promoting a stress-free life full of balance, health and wellness. Skyn ICELAND has a strong commitment to nature; recyclable packaging, products that are free of parabens, petroleum, mineral oil and sulfates, no testing on animals and are 100% vegan. The simple-to-use products indulge the senses, bringing on an overall sense of calm and ultimately, reenergize you and your skin.,Item details: How to use- Use The Saving Face Kit to maintain your healthy glow, regenerate and refresh skin or treat and prevent breakouts to put your best face forward., The antidote cooling daily lotion 15ml,Glacial face wash 30ml,Nordic skin peel 89ml, Icelandic relief eye pen 4ml, Hydro cool firming eye gels with hexapeptide technology ,More information: Product Size:1x4ml, 1x15ml, 1x30ml and 1x89ml, Skin Type:Combination