It has been designed for 'On-The-Go' and is great for popping in hand or travel bags. It has the same innovative Tangle Teezer teeth and comes complete with a 'click on, click off' cover.,About the brand- The Original professional detangling hairbrush. It's a super smooth operator that works the minute hair is lathered and rinsed. Glides through wet, vulnerable and colour treated hair with no pulling, tugging or yanking. Hair peace at last!! Tangle Teezer are extremely proud of the fact that all products are designed and manufactured in Great Britain.,Item details: The Tangle Teezer can be used on all hair types, including wet, dry, thick, fine, long or short,The Tangle Teeezer can be used on hair extensions, wigs and weaves ,Great for all ages and is loved by parents!, Ergonomically designed to fit snugly in your palm for creative styling and easy handling,Perfect to back brush/tease the hair adding volume/height and then used to easily detangle/smooth after,The Tangle Teezer adds shine to the hair's cuticle, Made in the UK,More information: Age range:All ages