This gift will delight any chocolate lover. A selection of our Finest Swiss chocolates made exclusively for Marks and Spencer.,In the event of supply difficulties, or with discontinued products, we reserve the right to offer alternative goods or packaging of equal quality and value.,Item details: Product contains- Milk, nuts, barley, gluten, soya and eggs, Please contact customer services on 0333 014 8555 for further product specific information including ingredients, allergens and nutrition declaration, Serving dish pictured is not included, Sent with a personal message,Hamper contents: Product information: 1 x Swiss Milk, Dark and White Chocolate Selection (145g) n1 x Swiss Extra Fine Milk Chocolate Bar (125g)n1 x Swiss Milk Chocolate Mountain Bar (100g)n1 x Swiss Chocolate Neapolitans (250g)n1 x Swiss Milk Chocolate Twist Wrap Truffles (205g)nPrinted Gift Bag