A selection of award winning craft beers from British breweries in a wooden carry crate with a handy bottle opener attached.,In the event of supply difficulties, or with discontinued products, we reserve the right to offer alternative goods nor packaging of equal quality and value.,Item details: Packaging Detail:Comes in a wooden crate with opener, Dimensions:Crate- H19.5 x W23 x D20.5cm, Double Hopped Citra IPA contains- Barley, gluten,Island hopper Pale Ale contains- Barley, gluten and wheat,Battersea Rye contains- Barley, gluten and rye,Five Hop Lager contains- Barley, gluten ,Sorachi Saison contains- Barley, gluten and wheat ,British Clipper IPA contains- Barley, gluten, Please contact customer services on 0333 014 8555 for further product specific information including ingredients, allergens and nutrition declaration, Sent with a personal message,Hamper contents: Product information: Five Hop Lager (330ml)nIsland Hopper Pale Ale (330ml)nBattersea Rye (330ml)nDouble Hopped Citra IPA (330ml)nSorachi Saison (330ml)nBritish Clipper IPA (330ml)nBeer Crate