Our Lincoln sofa bed comes in both medium and large, and you can choose from two mattress types - foam for occasional guests and sprung for more frequent use.,Images displayed here act as a guide and may not be representative of the finished item. Fabrics are overlaid onto model images, so actual seams and pattern match may differ from what is shown.,Dimensions: Mattress- L178 X W112 X D6cm, Height:91 cm, Height In:35.8 in, Width:189 cm, Width In:74.4 in, Depth:93 cm, Depth In:36.6 in, Seat Height:52 cm, Arm Height:64 cm, Top back Rail Height:71 cm, Feet Height:6 cm, C Dimension:54 cm,Item details: 99% of our upholstery is manufactured in the UK, Bounce back, Foam, Suitable for armcap,More information: Our delivery team will unpack and position in a room of your choice for free, Mattress Type:FOAM