Create a signature for a pet who is part of the family. Transform their paw print and their name into a bespoke stamp. The signature stamp can be used as a unique signature and a personalised design for cards and homemade gifts. The perfect gift for someone who loves to include their pet in their lives. How do I personalise? Once you order, you'll be sent an inkless kit. Use this kit to take a detailed paw print without messy ink or paint. The paw print and name can then be emailed (as a photo) or scanned to the e-mail address provided in the kit. We then transform the paw print with name into a vintage inspired bespoke stamp with an oil based black ink pad. The kit is approximately A5 size and includes: one inkless wipe, 2 sheets of special coated card and instructions. Refund policy This item is made to your specification and so is excluded from our usual returns policy. Find out more This does not affect your statutory rights.