Duck® Fresh Discs make it easy to keep your toilet bowl clean and fresh. Simply use the applicator to stamp a gel disc onto the inside of your toilet bowl. The discreet gel disc sits just under the rim. There's no need to touch the disc or the bowl with your hands, making Duck® Fresh Discs more hygienic than traditional Under The Rim cleaners. The gel disc gradually dissolves with each flush, allowing a controlled release of cleaner and fragrance. Each disc lasts up to seven days and leaves no residue behind. Your toilet bowl will remain clean and fresh — with little effort. Unique, easy to use applicator No cage to harbour dirt or germs Concentrated ecologically safe cleaning gel Cleans and freshens with every flush Safe for septic tanks Fragrance: Lemon Zest Each pack contains 1 x disposable easy-to-use applicator, and 1 x gel holder (gel holder contains six gel discs)