This Philips 2.5W G9 LED capsule has a lifespan of 15,000 hours. table.cq-sizeguidetable {width:100%; border-collapse: collapse; text-align:left; font-family: Arial; font-size:12px; border-bottom:1px solid #f4f2ec; margin-top:10px;padding-bottom:1px;} table.cq-sizeguidetable th {border-width: 0px;padding: 8px;background-color: #dedbd2;} table.cq-sizeguidetable td {border-width: 0px;padding: 8px;border-style: none;} table.cq-sizeguidetable td:first-child {font-weight:bold;} .cq-sizeguidetable tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #f4f2ec;} Traditional Wattage LED Equivalent Lumens 25W 2.5W 204+ Please note: The table above is a guide to show you the equivalent bulb wattage across traditional bulbs and LEDs. Watts vs Lumens A bulb's wattage tells us how much energy it uses, rather than the amount of light it generates (lumens). Lumens (lm) are a measure of the total output of visible light from a lamp or light source. The higher the lumen the “brighter” the lamp will appear. To make comparing bulbs easy, it's best to look for the light output (lumen).