A stunning bouquet of velvet red roses will bring a new lease of life to home interiors. Add a touch of elegance to your dresser, bedside or coffee table, creating your own unique arrangement from these individual stems. Presented in a stylish gift bag, these faux flowers offer an enduring alternative to a fresh cut seasonal bunch. Please note, this bouquet does not come with a vase. Peony's faux flowers typify the beautiful gardens found at the brand's home in Shropshire's Ruckley Estate. From the variation in petal shades and individual stamens, to capturing the movement of each stem, every flower is hand made in England to recreate the beauty of real examples from the grounds. This acute attention to detail has gone on to earn the company accreditation from the Royal Horticultural Society. Family run, Peony's team of trained florists create beautiful arrangements, often combining stunning glass and ceramic vessels, with life-like touches such as the brand's ‘Still Water', which sets to give the effect of real water inside each vase. Real ingredients such as soil, moss and bamboo are added to complete a display that is almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing.