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Bosch GIN31AE30G Integrated Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 56cm Wide

Bosch GIN31AE30G Integrated Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 56cm Wide

BEST PRICE: £839.00

BOSCH GIN31AE30G Integrated Freezer
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Price Checked (2nd Aug)

Bosch GIN31AE30G Integrated Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 56cm Wide
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Price Checked (19th Nov)


With four transparent drawers storing a total capacity of 120-litres of foodstuffs, the Bosch GIN31AE30G Integrated Freezer is completely frost free. It offers a fast freezing facility and a highly economical A++ Energy Rating. Total control The ample storage drawers have individual freezing elements so you can easily fit in any bulky items from the weekly shop. Advanced electronic temperature controls ensure food is stored at a stable, constant temperature for maximum safety. It also features a fast freeze system which reduces the temperature of the freezer when you add food so it is quickly and safely frozen and food already stored is not subject to warming. Once everything is safely frozen, the appliance restores the standard setting. The freezer also has an integrated alarm which will sound if the door is accidentally left open. Frost free The freezer's No Frost system means you need never again go through the tedious business of using up stocks of frozen food so you can carry out the time-consuming chore of defrosting. The freezer's air circulation system takes the humidity in the air out of the freezer, thus preventing the formation of frost and ice. Thanks to this innovative technology, you save precious time and, in the long term, electricity too. This helps to earn the freezer a money-saving A++ Energy Rating.


Model: GIN31AE30G
EAN: 4242002898261
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