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Bosch KGN34VL35G Freestanding Fridge Freezer, A+ Energy Rating, 60cm Wide, Stainless Steel Look

Bosch KGN34VL35G Freestanding Fridge Freezer, A+ Energy Rating, 60cm Wide, Stainless Steel Look

BEST PRICE: £499.00

Bosch KGN34VL35G Freestanding Fridge Freezer, A+ Energy Rating, 60cm Wide, Stainless Steel Look
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Price Checked (30th Sep)


Boasitng an excellent A+ energy rating and plenty of cool space for all the family, the KGN34VL35G Freestanding Fridge Freezer from Bosch is sure to be a welcome addition to any household. NoFrost freezer Inside the freezer, Bosch's air circulating system takes humidity from the freezer and into an evaporation dish to prevent ice forming, so you'll never need to defrost the KGN34VL35G. VitaFresh box Keep your food fresh for up to 3 times longer with VitaFresh cooling technology. Within the VitaFresh section, there are 2 air humidity zones - the dry zone is perfect for storing sausage, cheese, meat and fish, while the moist zone helps keep your fruit and vegetables at their best for longer. MultiAirflow The fan-assisted MultiAirflow System causes gentle, even currents of cold air to flow throughout all levels of the chilling and freezing area. This reduces temperature fluctuations and cooling times to help your foods retain its flavour for longer. FreshSense Similarly, this smart feature helps your food preserve freshness, flavour and consistency by using sensors to constantly monitor and control the ambient fridge and freezer temperature. LED lighting Not only do LED lights provide even, glare-free illumination, they use less electricity than conventional fridge lights, are low-maintenance and will last throughout the life of your appliance.


Model: KGN34VL35G Freestanding Fridge Freezer
EAN: 4242002881331
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