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Bosch KGN33NL20G Fridge Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 65cm Wide, Inox Stainless Steel Look

Bosch KGN33NL20G Fridge Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 65cm Wide, Inox Stainless Steel Look

BEST PRICE: £479.00

Bosch KGN33NL20G Fridge Freezer, A++ Energy Rating, 65cm Wide, Inox Stainless Steel Look
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Price Checked (6th May)

BOSCH KGN33NL20G Fridge Freezer - Stainless Steel, Silver
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Price Checked (19th Dec)


The KGN33NL20G fridge freezer from Bosch has an A++ energy rating, and will look great in any kitchen with its inox stainless steel look. It has a large capacity at 279 total litres, and is very quiet at just 42dBs. In addition it has many of the latest technological features you would expect from Bosch fridge freezer. Multi Airflow System The fan-assisted MultiAirflow System causes gentle, even currents of cold air to emerge at all levels of the fridge and freezer. Temperature fluctuations are minimised and cooling times reduced, which helps your foods retain their flavour for longer. NoFrost With NoFrost, the humidity is lowered in the appliance, which means that almost no ice forms. You don't need to worry about your frozen food sticking together, or losing space to frost build-up. You will also never need to defrost this appliance. SuperFreezing SuperFreezing protects already frozen food from defrosting when you add new food to the freezer, and it also helps the new food freeze faster. Once the newly stored food is frozen the freezer returns to normal operation. LED lighting The LED lighting produces even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge lights and last the appliance's lifetime. MultiBox and EasyAccess The MultiBox makes for easy, convenient storage. It is a transparent drawer with wave bottom, ideal for the storage of fruits and vegetables. This appliance also has the EasyAccess Freezer Box for fast, direct access to frozen foods without having to pull out the drawer. In addition the shelving in the fridge is made of tough, durable safety glass capable of supporting extra heavy items.


Model: KGN33NL20G
EAN: 4242002878683
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